Monday, April 28, 2008

Press Your "Green Button" (BOOSTER)

Hai peolpe,

Just to share with my fellow colleagues outhere who are struggling with their assignments, upcoming exam and others. I myself struggle to finish my due assignments and understand everybody's feeling. Hope that everybody will not break under pressure. Try your very best and not to exceed you limit (capabilities), be aware of your self-limitation so that you won't push yourself too hard and caused unnecessary stress, crying spells and lack of motivation. Take a deep breath or early morning exercises or go for shopping ( I think everybody likes this!!) and the very most important things is always ber "Doa" (whatever is your religion). Lastly, buat assignment dengan penuh minat dan ikhlas, the result will be "happening!!". I know that I am bla..bla.. to much but believe me this is my formula. Good Luck.

Think positive and set a realistic goal, orgnized yourself and your will be fine InsyaAllah!!

"If you failed to plan, you are planning to fail"- auntiesue.